Nine months

My pregnancy is 39 weeks (9 months) today. It is also our last day at school. Yes, I have been going to school for six months. Lucky that our last day is exactly a week before my due date but too bad I cannot do my internship like the rest of the students. Some will start on 11th and some on 18th March. They will do internship for six weeks. Let’s hope I can get a job as soon as possible (of course after the birth of our baby).

It is going well with my pregnancy. Once I had quite a lot of contractions so the midwife checked if I have a opening already but not yet. I had an vaginal test also to see if I need antibiotic and another blood test because I got bruises and itchy. All the test results are good. The baby’s head is already at the bottom.

Still another week. I really hope the birth will be easy and natural. I cannot wait to have our baby around us but I will not rush her to come to the world. Let her decides when she wants to come out 😉

Oh btw we also got a lot of things from our family and friends for baby M. So many bless that our baby gets. We are so thankfull! Thank you God, family and friends for everything 🙂

We love you baby M and look forward to seeing you.

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